You didn't read my post so carefully because it's not just about pvp enabled or not. It's about death penalty as well. So what you really are asking for is 3 different types of servers. One for PvE with pvp toggle, one for PvP always enabled, one for PvP always enabled and also player looting. You will need a huuuuuuuuge player base to have so many different types of servers, also different servers for regions. So multiply those I said, for each region in the world. I don't think it will be possible to have that many servers, not enough players for that. It's also more fun when you play with different types of players it makes the game more sandbox. It's like what if every single player in the server is the same class, no one plays any other class.
And that is exactly, why the forum is here. So we can talk about solutions :) Open PvP is a MMO killer in my opinion, there are always gankers. Most of the people quit the game during the level phase if Open PvP is there without the option to turn it off. Most of the players are only interested in PvE, like me. But in this game, I will definitely get full into PvP too. So I like all the ideas.
Last edited: 2023-04-05 16:56:17