Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! We know the path on which the Pirate will go, but the Skills are what will give him an identity.
Throwing an Anchor and pulling enemies? A Cannon, like a sentry gun, blasting everything in front? A huge Tsunami, shielding all party/raid members?
The possibilities are endless for the Pirate, let's see what you have in mind!
Last edited: 2022-03-06 23:40:23I imagine pirates making use of various weapons, and being a skilled and insightful class, even because pirates are in a way a group of mercenaries, who work on the high seas, it is normal for each mercenary to have their own way of fighting, as pirates are looters and greedy mercenaries, who live free each living in their own way without having much discipline. Keeping that in mind, I see the pirate class as very diverse, using all sorts of weapons and tricks, who knows, maybe even using a little magic, because if there's magic in the game's universe, why don't pirates use it?
skill suggestions
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Tank/dps (can only use anchor, or two-handed axes or hand cannon)
Ability: The character casts an anchor, knocking enemies down and stunning them for a short time.
Ability: The character pulls the enemy using the anchor.
Ability: Uses a hand cannon dealing area damage.
Ability: Fires multiple cannon shots.
Ability: Applies a strong gople to the enemy causing bleeding.
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Hybrid Pirate (uses pistol in one hand and saber in the other) or (uses both pistols and two swords)
Ability: The character dodges an attack.
Ability: The character throws a grenade dealing area damage.
Ability: The character shoots an enemy with his pistol
Ability: The character puts poison on his blades.
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Marksman (only uses musket, but does a lot of damage, but has low health)
Ability: The character shoots an enemy using a standard musket dealing heavy damage.
Ability: The character applies magic to his bullets causing various types of damage or effects.
Last edited: 2022-03-04 15:47:17I imagine pirates making use of various weapons, and being a skilled and insightful class, even because pirates are in a way a group of mercenaries, who work on the high seas, it is normal for each mercenary to have their own way of fighting, as pirates are looters and greedy mercenaries, who live free each living in their own way without having much discipline. Keeping that in mind, I see the pirate class as very diverse, using all sorts of weapons and tricks, who knows, maybe even using a little magic, because if there's magic in the game's universe, why don't pirates use it?
skill suggestions
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Tank/dps (can only use anchor, or two-handed axes or hand cannon)
Ability: The character casts an anchor, knocking enemies down and stunning them for a short time.
Ability: The character pulls the enemy using the anchor.
Ability: Uses a hand cannon dealing area damage.
Ability: Fires multiple cannon shots.
Ability: Applies a strong gople to the enemy causing bleeding.
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Hybrid Pirate (uses pistol in one hand and saber in the other) or (uses both pistols and two swords)
Ability: The character dodges an attack.
Ability: The character throws a grenade dealing area damage.
Ability: The character shoots an enemy with his pistol
Ability: The character puts poison on his blades.
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Marksman (only uses musket, but does a lot of damage, but has low health)
Ability: The character shoots an enemy using a standard musket dealing heavy damage.
Ability: The character applies magic to his bullets causing various types of damage or effects.
I think that idea with the anchor or a harpoon to pull enemies is a great idea. Maybe the pirate class can have a skill that allows him to shot a big canon. Perhaps he could have a sword or a blunderbuss or something.
It should have some other ranged skill where it fires a musket or something like that, maybe even to make the class more unique add some skill that allows you to switch between using the Sword / Saber and using pistols, where the skills would have that double use, for example:
Skill X:
In Sword Mode: Perform a slash that deals damage to all enemies in a cone and applies a bleed effect to them.
In Gun Mode: Load an explosive bullet and fire, upon impact the bullet explodes dealing damage to all enemies within a 4m radius and applies a burn effect
Let's see the pirate, the question is, what the hell is a pirate and how to project this character from legends and stories to the video game?
Well, like a Rouge, the pirate is characterized as a bold thief, free in turn greedy like a 1000-year-old dragon, as deadly both in his firearms and in his practices.
Which is why I propose that one specialization be focused on the payoff when doing actions, another on his firearms and his ingenuity, and the last his audacity.
So the buildup is going to be , MELE DPS , Instant Ranged DPS , and Mass Control Tank.
1- "The gold digger"
This pirate specialization is the most well-known and greedy being in the whole world.
With their greed overflowing, these pirates are in the front row in search of gold while they invade the enemy ship, using their cutlass which, tanned with oil and fire, increases their attack speed and burns the enemy with their cuts.
The mechanic I want to introduce with this spec is the coin flip.
Tempting gold and luck is typical of the pirate and therefore I believe that the pirate must implement these ideas in him.
It is simply an ability which has 2 charges, these 2 charges are either two minor buffs or a very strong buff with a very bad debuff.
This ability is charged by making combos with his cutlass, which helps him steal his opponent's treasures. With which for each cut given with each different combo, 2 sides of the coin will be filled depending on the completed combo.
Heads will give you 2 medium buffs, while tails will give you a big buff and a big debuff.
2- "Steersman"
Steersman have the characteristic of being very deceitful and resourceful. They take the Rudder with their own hands and keep their gunpowder pistols with various gadgets in their pockets and sacks.
Being normally on high points or covers, they take advantage of these to attack from a medium distance quickly.
For this reason, I think that instant damage such as a chain of pistols would be very good with this specialization, since they do not offer melee weapons and having to be at a certain distance, they should be offered a somersault and a successive burst of fire to their pistols.
The ammunition to be important because the Steersman are not only common gunslingers but also engineers, those who build the ships and fill them with traps and loot. Therefore, you must have arcane ammunition, fire, oxidized metals that cause bleeding and compressed water.
Another thing that I think should be implemented with the Steersman should be the use of cannons, as they are the leaders of their respective ships, they have the ability to direct their cannons.
Where do the cannons come from, you ask? I don't know, I'm just giving ideas, here's one trying to put something new and they come to fuck it up!!!
Ok now seriously, as the change of bullets these cannon shots will be able to change their characteristics, either fall faster, do more damage in a specific area, slow down more or less the enemies and even increase the speed of the allies.
3- The drunk
Let's be honest nowadays ALL MMORPGs require a drunk tank, with audacity and drunked these FAT pirates hit their enemies with rum bottles, while drinking beer and other mixtures to recover their life, hit the ground with barrels stunning enemies in area.
He screams with euphoria to attract his enemies in an area and receive all the hits and more importantly, he is able to withstand them and return their punchs.
While these same ones drink their 100% alcohol (how can a human being drink alcohol with their 100%, I DON'T KNOW there are literally flying demons and you're wondering how a fucking drunk can drink something that should be toxic!?) they use their fist to hit you a blow that will leave you in never-never land.
Pistols? Swords? torches? TAKE THAT CRAP OUT OF MY FACE, with his bare fists THE DRUNK destroys his enemies, wait for him to drink 2 bottles of rum, 4 whiskeys, 1 beer and half a Forloko so that he leaves you disgusted by his stench.
So that's what I wanted to talk about, the stench, being people who have drunk so much, their stench is unbearable, so it intoxicates nearby enemies causing them constant damage.
Here is my specialization and skills post. I prefer to combine them so the idea gets much more clear.
crea un circulo de explotacion de bombas que daña al enemigo y lo ralentiza
daña al enemigo con una bomba y le provoca stun
rafaga de ataques rapidos que provoca daño y sangrado
disparo con una pistola que provoca incapazitado y durante unos segundos no puedes usar ninguna skill
habilidad unica de clase que permita encontrar tesoros por el mundo
El pirata suele usar técnicas que de combate rápido, pero no por ello debería limitarse solamente a ataques físicos, me ha gustado la idea de un tsunami y a partir de ahi, quizás se podría incluso sacar una especie de sanador.
1- Maestro de las mareas: Se especializa en usar el elemento del agua tanto para atacar como para sanar, siendo una especie de hechicero que también puede llegar a sanar, pero sin especializarse en ello, algo así como un support. Usaría habilidades a distancia como "Descarga de agua salada", que sería un ataque canalizado, habilidades para repeler con el viento pudiendo llamarse "Viento en contra" y otras habilidades poderosas como "Oleaje" o "Tormenta" que dejarian caer sobre los enemigos truenos u olas. Todo eso sin olvidar alguna habilidad cuerpo a cuerpo que podría tener y comparta con otras especializaciones.
2- Duelista: Especializado en el combate rápido, combinando ataques veloces con algún disparo de pistola y bombas como ataque más poderoso. Se me ocurren habilidades básicas como: 1- "Tajo salado" que sencillamente sería un ataque rápido, 2- "Ensartar" el pirata trata de ensartar al enemigo (lo cual podría generar recursos para lanzar remates), 3- "Aluvión de estocadas", podría ser varios ataques seguidos que apunten rápidamente a puntos flacos de la armadura del rival. Luego también podría tener algunas bombas de humo, sprints, saltos hacia atrás, disparos de pistola... ¡Pero lo más importa deben ser algunas explosiones!
3- Artillero: No se me ocurre ninguna clase mejor que el pirata que el artillero, el cual es una especie de hibrido entre luchador cuerpo a cuerpo y luchador a distancia, el cual si puede tener muchos más recursos que el duelista para lanzar bombas, trampas, anclas, rifles, pistolas y por su puesto algunos stuns para alejarse de los enemigos, que resulte escurridizo.