2 Extra Test Days!

Marvelous Community,because we received massive amounts of positive feedback from you, we decided to extend the Test Period by 2 more days!That's right, 2 more days of fun testing!You will be able to play through Saturday and Sunday, the test will en...

Pre-Alpha Test 2 - Instructions & Changelog

Marvelous Community,we can't wait to see you all online! ■ The test will start today at noon (12:00 EEST) ■ You will be able to download the Beast Burst Launcher via https://www.beastburst.com/ (there will be a download button) ■ From...

Next test video announcement

Marvelous community,Today you are in for a treat!As many of you know we announced earlier the date for our next test, which is from 14.03.22 to 18.03.22.Now it’s time for the video announcement! You will witness what we have made/remade since the las...

Test Date Announcement

Marvelous Community,The time for the most anticipated announcement has come.Join us once again for a test session and see what we have done since our last test!All Honored and Supporter accounts will be able to log in and explore the Pre-Alpha map fr...

Holiday Season Sale

It's the most wonderful time of the year!And because the month of December is all about gift-giving, we decided to give all of you up to 30% OFF of all our paid account packs.Our next test is just around the corner, so now is the best time to buy or...