Okay, time for the last Bearan question - Exclusiveness!
How do you imagine the exclusive items, quests, professions, etc for the Bearan race?
Exclusive mount - what should the Bears ride? Armor set - more savage and tribal, or majestic and glamorous? Exclusive cooking profession armor set maybe?
Let's discuss!
How about a bag of "wintering supplies", this would be a consumable/item that would unlock extra space in the inventory, where only food can be stored. Similar to the warlock's bag of soul gems in WOW, but in this case for food only.
(an exclusive mount that is a unicycle?)
Exclusive armor
I have a hard time picturing the "Bearan" riding any animal, because the "Bearan" are "Bears", so I end up picturing them big hahaha, but I think they can ride any animal as long as it's bigger than them.
Exclusive armor
I have a hard time picturing the "Bearan" riding any animal, because the "Bearan" are "Bears", so I end up picturing them big hahaha, but I think they can ride any animal as long as it's bigger than them.
La verdad es que he tenido que hacer reply al post de Galius, me ha gustado mucho el concepto de la armadura y comparto la misma idea, como siempre reitero, la exclusividad para mi debe ser solo estética, nada de buff, armadura y armas con su propio estilo, asà como lore exclusivo para la raza.
The truth is that I had to reply to the post of Galius, I liked very much the concept of the armor and I share the same idea, as I always reiterate, the exclusivity for me must be only aesthetic, no buff, armor and weapons with its own style, as well as lore exclusive to the race.
Bearan exclusiveness
â–¶Mount: Difficult, maybe they can run in 4 legs? Bigger
creatures like kodos for Tauren, I was thinking about Mammoth or Yak because
they are big, and they live in cold places.
â–¶Lore quests: Some kind of conflict for the leadership of Bearan, some group is not satisfied with the position of the Bearan among the Sacred Order or something.
â–¶Ingredient for crafting Bearan style: Animal horns
â–¶Bearan weapon style:
Some ideas
I think can match the Bearan
ESO Sea giant
style (weapons only) https://youtu.be/kFZm72_zgek?t=75
ESO Hunstman style (weapons only) https://youtu.be/-KXn_uRcHPk?t=379
â–¶Bearan armor style:
Some ideas
that can match the Bearan
Minotaur style https://youtu.be/RrGH9zpi8hE
Dreadhorn style https://youtu.be/CDawf2D9bQo