Warrior, mage, ranger, paladin, priest, pirate.
Essa é fácil, Todas as classes menos o druida , não tem sentido o humano ser druida , porém todas as outras são viáveis e de completa capacitação humana
I think Lore needs some changes because it's very similar in many races and ways to WoW lore, please make a Human and other races Lore Topic.
I mean Queen Nepherimas=Sylvannas, Undead=Renegades, Withestone taken by Undead=Lordaeron taken by Renegades, come on.
Let's remember that WoW had Warcraft videogames and novels to explain a lot of things.
You are creating something from 0, a new universe, and I think we as community can create something much better than that.
It would be nice that in first Scars of Honor game, each race had his own story to follow to explain their lore and how they got enrolled with Sacred Order or Domination, and then joining all stories in big world plot.
Also because you are creating something from 0, you have the RESPONSABILITY of creating a BALANCED UNIVERSE lore, races and classes inside the rules you are creating, because if you throw a villain that can destroy worlds, and if a Ranger is just going to be a simple archer, what damage can do to that guy? Is like Hawkeye with the damn avengers fighting a lot world destroyer shit, the scales and difference of power are insane.
I know it's a videogame, but let's make a balanced universe.
I can't describe how glad I am of reading that, I really wish the best for the game, that's why I'm sharing the best ideas that come to my mind. I really hope you can make an agreement soon!
I have always in my mind humans in mmorpgs as the most balanced and versatile race, so I think it should be the race with the most available classes to choose. It is true that Druids maybe must be a class reserved to races with more conexion with nature (like Bearan and Minotaurs) and Necromancers should be exclusive to the Dominion (and Paladins to Sacred Order!); but I think humans fit in all the other classes, with the idea of being the more balanced class (also with the racial abilities, I think human ones should be the least focused on something particular, and more wide open)
I think we Humans are kind of Jack of all trades, maybe Humans shouldn't be allowed to be Druid, but the only reason I can think is for races balance.
There's a lack of lore to explain why humans can't be Druids or any other class, I mean they were friends of Bearan for so long, even their will for life and our sentimental nature can explain why humans can be Necromancers.
1st edit: After reading some comments I realized I forgot about the humans-undead lore, so humans shouldn't be able, only the villains like Joul Candio and Leyen said but that's kind of contradictory because you stated in race description that humans can use magic from different sources so ...
I agree. I would say most fitting to least fitting human classes would look something like:
Warrior, Ranger, Assassin, Pirate
Priest, Paladin, Mage
Witch, Necromancer, Druid
Top line are must haves, embody humans perfectly, should be 'competitively the best' at those roles.
Middle line are classes I think human should be but maybe middle of the road for those roles.
Bottom line are classes human could be but should be the least proficient in if so (compared to other races).
Los humanos deberÃan ser buenos paladines y sacerdotes, atendiendo a su sintonÃa especial con los dioses del orden. DeberÃan ser buenos guerreros, asesinos, y piratas, necesarios en una sociedad tan polifacética como la humana. Aunque los humanos no sean idóneos para ser druidas, creo que al menos se les deberÃa permitir ser cazadores. Esto por su cercanÃa a los altos elfos y a sus costumbres y por su destreza natural. Con su inteligencia innata pueden practicar la magia arcana y elemental sin problemas.
La brujerÃa y la nigromancia deberÃan descartarse de las posibilidades para el humano, debido a su naturaleza divina. Sobre todo la nigromancia deberÃa estar prohibida en los reinos humanos, esto por su pasado y el nacimiento de los no muertos.
Me gustarÃa pensar que el humano puede ser capaz de dominar todas las clases, aunque algunas le sean más complicadas e inclusive vayan en contra de su naturaleza. Tener como enemigos a humanos brujos decrépitos o ancianos humanos druidas es una oportunidad que no deberÃa ser desperdiciada. Estos pueden ser NPC's de algún tipo, no necesariamente malos, pero no deberÃan poder ser clases elegibles como jugador, ya que se espera que un humano neutral deberÃa seguir el camino de la Orden Sagrada.