I had an idea where either active and/or passive racial abilities would be tied to the class selected. This way even if you have multiple Paladins in a party if they are of different races there are slight benefits to different directions which fleshes out the party's overall skillset. I generally prefer racial abilities to be a minor part of build-crafting. Classes across different races should have largely the same layout and possibilities in specialisations. However adding 1 or 2 race specific class abilities (hopefully minor effect on the meta) would add a different flavour to each combination. For example, a Bearan Paladin could have exclusive access to a couple racials that reduce or cleanse CC for more aggressive playstyle. This would fit their lore as a bestial/savage people. This might push Bearans to be more DPS but cleansing CC is also a valuable tanking skill.
I've written a rough description of some in the Human's racial abilities daily question. If you wanted to find out about that one specific race. I don't intend to place too much detail on numbers and values because we can get lost in questions about balancing them which really isn't that important at this stage of the game.
I had an idea where either active and/or passive racial abilities would be tied to the class selected. This way even if you have multiple Paladins in a party if they are of different races there are slight benefits to different directions which fleshes out the party's overall skillset. I generally prefer racial abilities to be a minor part of build-crafting. Classes across different races should have largely the same layout and possibilities in specialisations. However adding 1 or 2 race specific class abilities (hopefully minor effect on the meta) would add a different flavour to each combination. For example, a Bearan Paladin could have exclusive access to a couple racials that reduce or cleanse CC for more aggressive playstyle. This would fit their lore as a bestial/savage people. This might push Bearans to be more DPS but cleansing CC is also a valuable tanking skill.
I've written a rough description of some in the Human's racial abilities daily question. If you wanted to find out about that one specific race. I don't intend to place too much detail on numbers and values because we can get lost in questions about balancing them which really isn't that important at this stage of the game.
Sounds interesting for sure, and will bring diversity. My only concern is how good this can be balanced, and of course it's a bit more work. But yeah overall I find it interesting for sure.