Marvelous community,
Let's get those precious minds to work and shape the best possible concepts for the classes.
So how will this work? We will ask you 5 questions (a question every day) about the class of the week. All your answers will be gathered and then evolved if needed, to create the best, and most fun to play class.
Skills are out of the way, which means it's time for Specialisations.
Pyromancer? Ice cold Cryomancer? How about a healing mage? Why not a Mage tank?
Let's see what comes to your mind when you think about a Mage
Marvelous community,
Let's get those precious minds to work and shape the best possible concepts for the classes.
So how will this work? We will ask you 5 questions (a question every day) about the class of the week. All your answers will be gathered and then evolved if needed, to create the best, and most fun to play class.
Skills are out of the way, which means it's time for Specialisations.
Pyromancer? Ice cold Cryomancer? How about a healing mage? Why not a Mage tank?
Let's see what comes to your mind when you think about a Mage
[I'm sorry, I don't know how to delete this reply.]
Last edited: 2022-02-10 15:13:10The reason that I play Wizard in DnD is that you are versatile! Of course, I love to imagine my char casting lots of powerfull elemental spells doing tons of damage, but I love when you cast the Counterspell in the right enemy at the right time or put some wall/difficult terrain between your healer/friends that will protect them from a group of enemies that are coming in their direction.
I love the idea that you can be what the group needs you to be:
- If you need a damage dealer, you have one of the best! Single target or AoE!
- If you need a support, you have one! Shields, buffs, debuffs, counterspells, rituals...
- If you need a field controller, you damn hell have one! Freeze, sleep, walls (that give some damage or block), difficult terrain...
Well, while I like Classic WoW's mage (the talent tree was very nice and you can cast all elements, different from the retail that you're stuck with an element you choose) I prefer the idea of Magic Schools from DnD and you can be free to choose any spell from any type that you consider the best for the occasion.
I like Magic Schools because you are free to use any magic that you like, but if you use some that you are specialized you get a bonus. Like:
- If you are specialized in Evocation (Damage), you have some additional damage at your damage spells, better conrol in AoE spells, etc...
- If you are specialized in Abjuration (Defense), you can have a small arcane shield when you cast spells, can move that shield from an ally, etc...
Anyway, I like the idea that you don't need to choose between: do most damage with Fire, do most damage with Frost, do most damage... I like the Idea that you can still do more damage with elemental or arcane spells, but you also can choose to be a Summoner or a Control Mage of even a Support Mage.
I don't like the Idea of Mage healing. It's usually for specific classes, like Priest, Paladin, Duid, Shaman and I prefer like that.
I don't like the idea of Mage tanking, BUT, if you want to try something new, you can think in a specialization of summoning. My Wizard in DnD once helped the group as a OFF TANK with a summon and some buffs. You can think in some spec that you can summon something like a Golem that you control and work around that with improvements for better tanking. As an off tank ok, but I don't like the idea of a Mage stealing the thunder of a Warrior, Paladin, Black Knight, etc.
Last edited: 2022-02-11 11:28:11I think healing mage will steal priest place so or healer mage or priest, not both.
If u think on a support mage ill go for shields and buffs, like enchant ally's weapons.
For damage mage specs could be one element each, or multiple elements one with more aoe other with more single target..
Also u can just make one dps spec for pve and one for pvp
Creo que un mago que cura robaria el puesto al sacerdote, entonces, o mago que cura o sacerdote, no los dos.
Si pensamos en un mago soporte iria mas a escudos y potenciaciones, como encantar las armas de tus aliados.
Para especializaciones de daño podria ser un elemento para cada una, o multiples elementos pero una con mas areas y la otra mas a un solo objetivo.
Tambien se podria simplemente hacer una mas para pve y otra mas para pvp
I personally don't see the mage as either a healer or a tank. On the other hand, a battle mage who knows how to move in melee if I think is a great idea. Regarding mage specialties, one that was half damage, half support would be an interesting option and finally, the typical mage that attacks from a distance with ice, fire or lightning.
Personalmente no veo al mago ni como sanador ni como tanque. En cambio, un mago de batalla que sepa moverse cuerpo a cuerpo si creo que es una gran idea. Respecto a las especialidades del mago, una que fuera mitad daño, mitad apoyo sería una opción interesante y para finalizar, el típico mago que ataca a distancia con hielo, fuego o rayos.
Electromancer (Caster DPS Single-target): Lightning damage spells, as magic projectiles and orbs. Critical damage based?
Pyromancer (Caster DPS Multi-target): Fire damage Spells in area of effect, as Fireball , Burning Hands, Firestorm, etc. Burning damage on time based?
Arcane Knight (Melee DpS/Support): Group buff spells (Haste, change the physical damage of the group's weapons for Fire, Arcane or Frost damage), remove magical debuffs, resistance to magical damage in a group, and some short-range spells Arcane damage.
See you
Last edited: 2022-02-10 16:38:49Hi team! Now this is an interesting idea with the specialisations. Tank mages could perhaps have spells to either minimize or negate damage taken for the team, perhaps create barriers/walls. Stuns and roots could be cool on tank mage aswell. The idea with an ice mage is awesome in my eyes cause i have always loved ice mages. They could perhaps have a large scale freezing slow like a blizard, make people into an iceblock for a few secounds maybe. Throw out spears of ice at enemies, make it rain ice from the skie in an AOE. This is awesome!
Paren con el mago tank por favor, no tiene ningun tipo de sentido. En cuanto a las specs, estarían bien unas 2 o 3 enfocadas al dps, puede ser de hielo/nieve, fuego, agua, magia relacionada a la arcana, etc. Y lo del mago healer no me desagrada tanto como el tank, pero tampoco me gusta
Marvelous community,
Let's get those precious minds to work and shape the best possible concepts for the classes.
So how will this work? We will ask you 5 questions (a question every day) about the class of the week. All your answers will be gathered and then evolved if needed, to create the best, and most fun to play class.
Skills are out of the way, which means it's time for Specialisations.
Pyromancer? Ice cold Cryomancer? How about a healing mage? Why not a Mage tank?
Let's see what comes to your mind when you think about a Mage
Yo creo que en cuanto a especializaciones, podemos encontrarnos magos de fuego, escarcha, arcanos y demás, como os dije en el anterior post creo que estas habilidades deberían estar enfocadas a DPS, pero podría haber alguna especialización en Healer O Support si se desea, ya que un mago sea Tank me parece muy extraño.
I believe that in terms of specializations, we can find fire mages, frost, arcanes and so on, as I told you in the previous post I think these skills should be focused on DPS, but there could be some specialization in Healer O Support if desired, since a mage is Tank seems very strange to me.
I prefered combining skill post with specialization post, so the idea is better understood. Here is my post link: