Hi all
I believe
in my opinion that the base would be 4 specializations.
Here take a
bearan as an example with some sketches
Heal -
healer capable of using water or nature healing magic
addition, it is the use of totems to increase the abilities of allies.
to purge disease curses
Using runes to increase stats
As for the rest of the specializations that you can acquire appearances according to your role, for example
Tank: that it acquires a tree-like shape reminds me a lot of a skill bark skin or thorns, scales trunks even rocks with animal features a pangolin a lizard a hedgehog
A ranged dps -Can take the appearance of a bird a Hawk. It can use elemental magic such as air fire lightning or even summon spirits.
A mele dps-This could take on the appearance of a feral or a direwolf - classic wights or skinchangers come to mind. they could use bleeding maw claws or throw stakes
I think it is a class that has a lot of scope in which it could include traits from different races if it is used well.
Que emoción bueno
Creo a mi parecer
que la base seria 4 especializaciones.
Acá tome un bearan
como ejemplo con unos bocetos
Heal -sanador
capaz de utilizar magia sanadora de agua o de la naturaleza
Además, es uso de
tótems para aumentar las capacidades de los aliados.
Habilidades para
purgar maldiciones enfermedades
El uso de runas
para aumentar estadÃsticas
En cuanto al
resto de especializaciones que pueda adquirir apariencias según su rol, por
Tanque: que
adquiera una forma como de árbol me recuerda mucho a una habilidad piel de
corteza o bien espinas, escamas troncos incluso rocas con rasgos animales un pangolÃn
un lagarto un erizo
Un dps rango
-Pueda tomar la apariencia de un ave un Alcón. Este pueda utilizar magia
elementar como rayos aire fuego o incluso invocar espÃritus.
Un dps mele-Este podÃa
tomar la apariencia de un feral o un huargo -me vienen a la mente los clásicos huendigos
o cambia pieles. estos podrán utilizar garras fauces sangrados o lanzar estacas
Creo que es una
clase que tiene mucho campo en el que podrÃan incluir rasgos de diferentes
razas si se utiliza bien
The druids, as much as it is widespread, is a class which does not completely depend on natural magic.
Well, we recorded that these, at the same time, is a priestly class as well as a magical one.
They are both seers, magicians, illusionists and priests.
So therefore let me stress that a druid with his versatility can be a healer, a DPS and a tank.
But the specializations are something very very curious which can give us a lot to play.
Being priests, a class which is linked to the gods of nature is essential in every druid, a class which heals from the roots of the same vegetation, this would be called cycle druid and can enhance their healing by creating a sacred transformation and natural , a trunk from which vines emanate which are wrapped before the bearer 's arms , and take root in the earth itself , communicating with every nearby ally to heal him , this would greatly increase the druid 's healing and at the same time increase his attack range (of course the damage should be less than its normal state) and would accompany the allies attacking alongside them. This has the disadvantage that being rooted cannot move. So let's say it would be like a checkpoint which you can kill.
Now we go to the following points, I offer the idea of ​​​​fairy and runic magic.
The faerie Druid must use illusory magic, faerie beings such as fairies tend to use tricks and illusions in the mind of the opponent, in turn this magic which is mastered and taught by these same beings is a magic which changes the body of the same user until transforming it into the same minor deity of the forest.
So I think this specialization would be quite interesting if it focused on the mysteries of the forested and virgin lands dominated by these magical beings, that their deceptions be noticed on the battlefield and that they will have a transformation either temporary or permanent. (until the user decides to stop using it).
Penultimate would be the runic exo-skeleton specialization, which essentially focuses on using runes, runes which orbit around the user, a tank with cloth armor but actually uses shields, and runes which surround the wearer's body. blessing him with the hard skin of an insect to be exact a Tardigrade (also called a sea bear) whose exoskeleton formed by the same runes is the bulwark of his defense a bipedal being layers of layers not moving much but resisting all blows and counter.
And last and most obviously, the beastly sage, the beastly sage must be the most agile of all, a being which emanates the most essential mind of every beast in nature, while the specialization of the runic exo-skeleton is about the world of insects and how they must endure against huge beings like lions, bears, moose and bipedal beings.
This one should focus on the opposite, a class which transforms by combining the feet of a horse, the legs of a jaguar, the claws of a tiger, the face of an owl, the arms of a bear and the tail of a fox.
Using his legs his speed is streamlined, his head which allows him to turn 270 degrees and his hard and strong but agile arms with his sharp hands make him a fierce and specialized beast to hunt and be the king of all beasts with his natural wisdom and power.
Therefore, his speed is crucial, abilities that allow him to turn instantly and do damage next to him, attacks with his claws and the height to hunt, jumps that no man would ever make and even a vision that leaves him see as far as a telescope to the moon.
This is my idea for the Druid, a being that does not really transform with nature in its entirety because he must call more powerful beings with his wisdom, The Druid of the cycles must call the natural gods themselves to give him their virtue , the faerie which calls the spirits of the woods and magical beings such as fairies , the runic which not only takes power from the gods with its runes but also has the cold mind and stamina of an insect and the Bestialy Sage who dominates before every beast asking for his attributes and strength.
This would be a versatile druid as such, capable of not only altering his body but understanding himself and transforming others through his deities.
Last edited: 2022-02-03 22:03:12Marvelous community,
Let's get those precious minds to work and shape the best possible concepts for the classes.
So how will this work? We will ask you 5 questions (a question every day) about the class of the week. All your answers will be gathered and then evolved if needed, to create the best, and most fun to play class.
Okay, we got the Weapons and Armor of the Druid, and now it's time for his Skills and Specializations!
Tornado, Roots, Earthquakes? Tank, DPS, Healer, Support? The possibilities are endless for the Druid, he is always one of the most versatile classes!
We are eager to find out what is the Druid you have ever dreamed of!
Marvelous community,
Let's get those precious minds to work and shape the best possible concepts for the classes.
So how will this work? We will ask you 5 questions (a question every day) about the class of the week. All your answers will be gathered and then evolved if needed, to create the best, and most fun to play class.
Okay, we got the Weapons and Armor of the Druid, and now it's time for his Skills and Specializations!
Tornado, Roots, Earthquakes? Tank, DPS, Healer, Support? The possibilities are endless for the Druid, he is always one of the most versatile classes!
We are eager to find out what is the Druid you have ever dreamed of!
En la anterior sección hable sobre que los druidas podÃan ser defensores de la naturaleza y demás, creo que podrÃan ser una clase Healer y Support, obviamente podrÃan ser DPS si tienen hechizos ofensivos, pero creo que les pegarÃa más como una clase que cura y supportea a los demás, también es lo que dicen en los posts anteriores, el druida puede tener diferentes especializaciones y asà llevarlo uno más Healer y el otro más DPS, lo importante es balancearlo.
In the previous section I talked about how druids could be defenders of nature and so on, I think they could be a Healer and Support class, obviously they could be DPS if they have offensive spells, but I think I would beat them up more like a class that cures and supposes others, It is also what they say in the previous posts, the druid can have different specializations and so take one more Healer and the other more DPS, the important thing is to balance it.
el druida me parece la clase que puede llebar a cabo muchos roles...arquero con magias como por ejemplo una enredadera que paralize unos segundos, guerrero con totems que den apoyo, curandero, cazador con mascotas, mago de apoyo con magias para dormir, envenenar, silenciar...
Sin duda entre las clases mas versátiles y que debe poseer mÃnimo la trinidad (Tanque, Daño y Sanador)
En su rama de daño a distancia seria genial que las habilidades sean de naturaleza(incluyendo animales), veneno y enfermedades. Por Ej una habilidad de hiedra venenosa que aplique un prejuicio al enemigo ocasionándole un daño leve y aumentando un 3% en todas los ataques de naturaleza contra el objetivo o quizás una habilidad que lo infecte con algún hongo causando una enfermedad asà aplicarle un daño en el tiempo, también se me ocurrió con el tema de venenos entre las plantas existen venenos muy nocivos como la cicuta, belladona entre otros tantos. En lo posible me gustarÃa que se aleje de los poderes relacionados con el sol y la luna a excepción que según si es de dÃa o de noche algunas habilidades se vean potenciadas
Last edited: 2022-02-04 18:52:03I guess there will be a "potion crafting" system but what about some "druid only potions"? The main skill of the greatest druid of all time was making potions ^^