Marvelous community,
Let's get those precious minds to work and shape the best possible concepts for the classes.
So how will this work? We will ask you 5 questions (a question every day) about the class of the week. All your answers will be gathered and then evolved if needed, to create the best, and most fun to play class.
Okay, we got the Weapons and Armor of the Druid, and now it's time for his Skills and Specializations!
Tornado, Roots, Earthquakes? Tank, DPS, Healer, Support? The possibilities are endless for the Druid, he is always one of the most versatile classes!
We are eager to find out what is the Druid you have ever dreamed of!
Earthquake and Tornado sound pretty awesome, actually.
Though I would love to see, for the healer class, a way to heal your allies as you deal damage. As for the spells themselves? I'm thinking different colored flora for each kind of healing spell made. When the healer needs to do damage, I'm thinking it'd be a damage-over-time effect using poisonous mushrooms and nightshade. Maybe with their main attacks utilizing the sun and moon burning down on them.
I think Druid need to be some universal class.. to have different talents for tanking healing dps melle and dps spell caster.. as he is part of nature its normal for him to change himself in different forms like bear cat and etc. he is also guardian of nature not just part of it .
Druid Specialization: Shapeshifter Warrior In this specialization the druid becomes a shapeshifter who can use warrior amas, of course he will no longer be a healer, he will be able to have healing cut abilities.
May have another specialization focused on creating a healer druid.
And there can also be another one focused on summoning would be the summoner druid he would summon animals or golems to fight alongside him
Last edited: 2022-02-03 18:21:29Druid is known to be the most versatile and most complete class in terms of resources. When I think about a druid I see a class that have most of the classes resources but in a less powerful version of them, and to balance that the skills are restricted by transformation and weapon used. I think druid must have 1 transformation per role and type of damage, for example, werewolf: melee dps as warrior or assassin; owl: healer; hippopotamus: tank; plant man: a nature caster. But the strong part of the druid is that can use all of his resources from different classes but shapeshifting.
In terms of specialization it should have a specialization per transformation to empower that form.
In terms of skills it should have every type of skills of whole game, but a less powerful version. So if we take a buff from the warrior, this buff used by the druid must have less duration, less stats increments and must be in werewolf (warrior melee dps form) to cast it.
Hi all!
I see druids as a versatile class capable of performing different roles within a party. However, since i use to play as a healer I'm going to focus on that. I'm assuming there will be a healer specialization for druids... I mean... come on! And I see healer druids as masters of nature who use flora to heal their allies. I think that's the vision that most of you have when you think of a healer druid. But why don't we go a little bit further? How about using vines as shields that can absorb damage? Or maybe being able to summon some animal companions to help us buff our allies? A wolf that inspires other members of the party and increases their damage or reduces the damage they take. Maybe using water as a source of strong direct healing spells? Being able to use the winds to deflect enemy attacks? If druids are masters of nature they don't have to focus on a single aspect of it. In other mmos healer druids use plants or flora to heal other members of the party and that's fine, we should not lose that aspect of the fantasy of the class. With that being said, it would be great if in Scars of Honor we could take the class and the specialization a little bit further.
DpS Caster/Support: Spells related to the nature (lightning, fire or venom) and support spells for the group adding damage of Nature on allies weapons (lightning, fire or venom).
DpS Melee: Chageshaper master, able to change its appearance to a hybrid between its original form and animal (wolf, bear or lynx), as well as one or two animal summoning spells to support the group.
Healer: Spells like healing on time and healing in area, as well as support spells for the group, perhaps resistance bonus (stone skin).
See you
Last edited: 2022-02-03 18:38:56Hi team. SO since its the Druid class we are talking about it might be an option to have tree-roots come out of the ground and root in an AOE, or perhaps he can cleanse away roots and stunns for his team since i believe it should be a supporter class. I think it should be a healer or support class with AOE healing over time. Maybe he can have an abillity where he summons a few tree roots to smack people away from him. Perhaps he can summon a wall of some sort to give cover?
Siendo una de las clases mas versátiles siempre es bueno ver que se puede especializar, puede ser en curar, en daño o en buffs/debuffs y dentro de daño puede ser elemental o con transformaciones o invocaciones. Yo miraría jugar con ese tipo de skills, seria una clase muy versátil que daría mucho juego. Un Druida elemental puede usar hechizos de tierra, aire, planta, fuego, cualquiera de los elementos básicos de la fantasía. Para curar siempre suelen ser hechizos relacionados con las plantas, seria muy vistoso ver un escudo de enredaderas para darle protección al tanque o ver como un árbol con sus raíces cura al mago. Para hechizos con invocaciones o transformaciones, tenéis un sinfín de animales y monstruos de fantasía que pueden mejorar unas u otras habilidades a la hora de atacar y si es con convocaciones, seria una maravilla tener un Ent o golems elementales.
Cuando pienso en el druida que me gustaría jugar, es inevitable que a mi mente venga el chamán del WoW, porque para mi el druida siempre estuvo ligado a los elementos (tipo D&D), donde utilizas el agua, fuego, tierra, aire, la potencia de las tormentas y la fuerza vital de la naturaleza. También imagino la ayuda de los animales, espíritus ligados a la naturaleza y elementos al igual que tener la habilidad de cambiar de forma para potenciar por tiempo limitado algunas de tus habilidades.
No creo que fuera buena idea limitar el acceso a según qué hechizos en función del rol que elijas jugar, porque a un tank, crear una defensa de tierra pegando un pisotón en el suelo le vendrá genial como defensivo, pero a un dps o un sanador en un momento crítico también. Estaría genial poder tener un druida con los hechizos que más te gustan y que, no solo puedas ser dps, tank o sanador, sino ir más allá y crearte un hibrido que pueda mezclar un poco de todo.
When I think of the druid that I would like to play, it is inevitable that the WoW shaman comes to mind, because for me the druid has always been linked to the elements (D&D type), where you use water, fire, earth, air, the power of storms and the life force of nature. I also envision the help of animals, nature-bound spirits, and elements as well as having the ability to shapeshift to power some of your abilities for a limited time.
I don't think it would be a good idea to limit access to which spells depending on the role you choose to play, because for a tank, creating a ground defense by stomping the ground will be great defensively, but for a dps or healer at a critical moment too. It would be great to be able to have a druid with the spells you like the most and who can not only be a dps, tank or healer, but go further and create a hybrid that can mix a little of everything.